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10 Problems You May Face While Breastfeeding | Hea Boosters

Breastfeeding is an affectionate and natural act that falls into place without a hitch for some fortunate moms while others may face certain problems when it comes to nurturing their babies. In case you're battling with some breastfeeding issues, then we would like to tell you that you're not alone. If that’s the case, then keep on reading, below we have mentioned the 10 most common breastfeeding issues, and how to manage them.

10 problems you might face while breastfeeding:

1. Low Milk Supply:

One of the most common problems that some mothers may come across is low breast milk supply. It may be difficult to provide your baby with the required nutrition if you have low breast milk production. However, this is something that can be amended with the help of lactation supplements, natural herbs like fenugreek seeds, cumin, oats, or even using breast pumps to express milk. You don’t have to worry about a low milk supply as long as your baby is maintaining a healthy weight and meeting all growth markers.

2. Latching:

Another problem that moms face is when their baby is unable to latch onto their breasts. Latching problems are not only difficult for babies but also for mothers. Inability to make their babies hold on to the nipple can lead to anger and distress in mothers. Although, there is nothing to worry about. All you need to do is search the internet for different feeding positions and try for yourself which one suits you best.

3. Pain During Nursing:

In case you are experiencing some pain during nursing, it could be because of cracked nipples. Sore or cracked areolas can make breastfeeding a painful experience for both mom and baby. You can either use breast creams, desi ghee, or breast milk to make feeding sessions easy.

4. Obstructed Milk Ducts:

Some women make milk in huge quantities but are unable to feed their babies because of obstructed milk ducts. This may happen because of some pressure on the milk duct, blockage, or the pipes are swollen. If that’s the cause then you need immediate medical assistance to help you over these issues, however, if the issue is not serious, your doctor will suggest you massage the area or ask you to let your baby suck on the area to relieve you from the blockage.

5.Engorged breasts:

If your breasts feel swollen, heavy, or if they feel full, you might have a good milk supply and must be experiencing breast engorgement. If your milk supply is making your breast engorged, the first thing that you can do is express the milk for bottle feeding. Second, you can increase the frequency of feedings making it easier to store milk in sufficient quantities.

6. Mastitis:

Mastitis happens because of bacterial infection. It is normally accompanied by influenza-like symptoms like pain in your breasts and fever. It's brought about by untreated obstructed milk pipes, engorgement, or even cracked areolas that have allowed the bacteria to grow.

7. Thrush:

Thrush is a yeast infection in your baby's mouth, which can also spread to your areolas during feedings. If your baby has thrush, then they can (presumably) pass it on to you. In that case, you both must be treated with an antifungal, to prevent the passing of contamination to and fro.

8. Baby sleeping while nursing:

Another common problem that most moms face is when their baby sleeps while you are nursing. Both of you will be tired in the several months after birth So sleeping while nursing is quite normal, for both you and your baby. Yet, in case your baby is continually sleeping while feeding, you can try tapping your baby’s feet or trickling them now and then to keep them awake.

9. Baby's tongue-tied:

Another problem that you may face while breastfeeding is if your baby is tongue-tied. This implies that there is a thin skin that is tying their tongue on the base of their mouth. If your baby is tongue-tied chances are they might not be able to suck on the nipple as efficiently as they should. If that’s the case, then your baby’s pediatrician will perform a small incision, which is safe and harmless.

10. Lactose intolerant:

Though it is not very common, chances are your baby might be lactose intolerant, which is why they are unable to keep down your milk. Just like normal milk, breast milk also contains a small amount of enzyme called lactase. In case your baby is lactose intolerant, you might have to feed them lactose-free baby formula milk.


We hope all these points may help you overcome the breastfeeding issues that you might be facing. In case you're encountering any issues with breastfeeding, which might include breast pain or not, you must reach out to your PCP or a lactation specialist.

If you have some issue, they might suggest some alternatives like formula milk, etc. Also, remember: There are far, far more regrettable things than feeding your baby formula milk!

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